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vicki alford's Wine Journal Entries

Black Sheep Vineyard (written Jan 13, 2012)
Wine: 5 stars Winery: 5 stars Ambiance: 5 stars

Favorite Wine: Dark Continent

As visitors arrive at Black Sheep Vineyard, they will immediately experience a warm welcome, friendly atmosphere, and views that make the heart fill-up with love. Then as newcomers enter the Wine Tasting Room, a 100 year old treasure in itself, they will find unique Estate Wines that can only be described as amazing. Reds, whites and rose’ wines, each carefully crafted for bouquet, body and finish, whether you prefer a dry red like their Ohio Cabernet Franc or a sweet red table wine like the Reffett Red or the most recent addition to the reds, my new favorite, Dark Continent, or any of the whites, like Leighton, a crisp dry, or the most popular Bonnie, a sweet rose’ table wine, your palate is sure to be delighted. Sit back, taste the wines, visit with your friends, enjoy live music and experience the good life awaiting you at Black Sheep Vineyard, goodness knows I do whenever I can.

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